Engine Tutorial: Postgres
- Preconditions
- Workload
- Integrating with Build Script
- Setting up resources
- Extending DatabaseEngine
- YAML Configuration
- Result
It is required that the article on the Database Abstraction Layer has been read thoroughly in order to be able to follow this tutorial.
This tutorial will show how Postgres support is implemented via the Database Abstraction Layer.
- Postgres is relational
- A JDBC driver exists for Postgres
- We want to add repository and IQM4HD support
- No Fetcher needs to be written as we can use the JdbcFetcher implementation.
- We will use the ofJDBCommon() GuiConfiguration with two icons
- We will add repository support via JdbcRepository and YamlConfigurableRelationalRepositorySupport
- We will have to implement a createDataSourceUrl() since it is a JDBC backed engine
Integrating with Build Script
We start by unzipping the sub-project skeleton, registering it with the build script and changing all placeholder identifiers to postgres
and adding the Postgres JDBC driver to our sub-project.
// https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.postgresql/postgresql
implementation group: 'org.postgresql', name: 'postgresql', version: '42.2.8'
Setting up resources
We copy the two yaml configuration files from the support files zip into engine/postgres
within the resource folder.
We also search the internet for icons that shall be displayed in the wizard and menu and place them in the engine/postgres
folder as well with the following names:
- wizard icon: POSTGRES.png
- list icon: postgres_menu.png
Our resource folder looks like this now:
└── src
├── main
│ │
│ └── resources
│ └── engine
│ └── postgres
│ ├── POSTGRES.png
│ ├── postgres_menu.png
│ ├── postgres_queries.yml
│ └── postgres_schema.yml
Extending DatabaseEngine
Now we can implement our DatabaseEngine subclass in the de.hshannover.dqgui.engine
package de.hshannover.dqgui.engine;
public class PostgresEngine extends DatabaseEngine {
// Define resource location to resolve resources
private final static String RESOURCES = "/engine/postgres/";
protected PostgresEngine() throws Exception {
// set identifer after convention
// default port for the gui wizard
// register language for iqm4hd
// load schema and queries yaml files
String schema = CharStreams.toString(
new InputStreamReader(
PostgresEngine.class.getResourceAsStream(RESOURCES + "postgres_schema.yml"),
String queries = CharStreams.toString(
new InputStreamReader(
PostgresEngine.class.getResourceAsStream(RESOURCES + "postgres_queries.yml"),
// load our repository support, more regarding this class later on
registerRepositorySupport(new PostgresRepositorySupport(schema, queries));
// using JDBCCommon and linking our icons
Icon.of(RESOURCES + "POSTGRES.png"),
Icon.of(RESOURCES + "postgres_menu.png")
protected void loadDatabaseDriver() throws ClassNotFoundException {
// we must trigger the static initializer within the postgres driver
// otherwise we will get an exception from the JDBC DriverManager
public DatabaseFetcher createFetcher(DatabaseConnection connection) {
// redirect to the already existing JdbcFetcher
return new JdbcFetcher(connection);
public String name() {
return "Postgres";
public boolean isRelational() {
return true;
public boolean allowUseForRepository() {
return true;
public boolean allowUseForIqm4hd() {
return true;
public boolean supportsJdbc() {
return true;
public String createDataSourceUrl(DatabaseConnection connection) {
// converting our connection to a datasource url
// postgres specifies their datasource schema here
// https://jdbc.postgresql.org/documentation/80/connect.html
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
String host = connection.getSocket().getFormat() == HostFormat.IPv6
? String.format("[%s]", connection.getSocket().getHost())
: connection.getSocket().getHost();
connection.getCustomParameters().forEach((k, v) -> sb.append(String.format("&%s=%s", k, v)));
return sb.toString();
public DatabaseTestResult test(DatabaseConnection connection) {
// redirect to the already existing JDBC test implementation
return DatabaseTests.ofJDBC(connection);
protected Repository<?> createRepositoryForConnection(DatabaseConnection connection) {
// we shall use the JdbcRepository implementation that works because we registered
// our repository support in the constructor
return new JdbcRepository(connection);
### Extending YamlConfigurableRelationalRepositorySupport
We implement our own repository support by extending YamlConfigurableRelationalRepositorySupport and overriding the validateRepository
Since we want to validate the repository schema, we hard code our known valid data into the concrete class.
package de.hshannover.dqgui.engine.postgres;
public class PostgresRepositorySupport extends YamlConfigurableRelationalRepositorySupport {
// Tests work by comparing type metadata (int flag) with already recorded correct type identifiers.
// JDBCRepository provides a <String, Integer>
// with table name and column data type that is compared with a should result.
/* 1111 = JSON
* 1 = char(n)
* 4 = int
* 12 = text
public PostgresRepositorySupport(String yamlRawdataSchema, String yamlRawdataQueries) {
super(yamlRawdataSchema, yamlRawdataQueries);
// Hard code test data
private static Map<String, Integer> INDEX = new HashMap<String, Integer>() {{
put("project", 4);
put("guid", 1);
put("name", 12);
put("environments", 1111);
private static Map<String, Integer> RESULTS = new HashMap<String, Integer>() {{
put("dqgui_meta", 1111);
put("iqm4hd_report", 1111);
put("iqm4hd_feedback", 1111);
put("hash", 1);
put("project", 4);
private static Map<String, Integer> REPO = new HashMap<String, Integer>() {{
put("type", 4);
put("content", 12);
put("name", 12);
put("extra_data", 1111);
put("project", 4);
public ValidationReport validateRepository(Map<String, Integer> index,
Map<String, Integer> repo,
Map<String, Integer> results) {
List<String> errors = new ArrayList<>();
validateInternal(index, INDEX, "dqgui_index", "index", errors);
validateInternal(repo, REPO, "dqgui_repo", "repository", errors);
validateInternal(results, RESULTS, "dqgui_results", "results", errors);
return ValidationReport.success();
return ValidationReport.error(String.join("\n\n", errors));
private void validateInternal(Map<String, Integer> is,
Map<String, Integer> should,
String schemaName,
String schemaId,
List<String> errors) {
if(!Objects.equal(is, should)) {
"Invalid %s schema!%nIs: %s | Should: %s | Should query: %s",
YAML Configuration
In order to use a YamlConfigurableRelationalRepositorySupport two correct YAML configuration files have to be passed to its constructor.
The constructor validates the configuration files and will throw an exception if a key:value pair is missing or a query does not contain the required named prepared statement parameter.
These postgres sample files should be portable to other relational database systems with minimal changes (listed below).
- json type might not be portable with other engines and could be replaced with a TEXT type
- SERIAL keyword might not be portable with other engines
With the actual schema being:
# Postgres Repository Schema
# When porting this schema:
# - JSON can also be stored as raw text if the engine does not support a JSON type
# - Column names are hard coded and must not change
# Schema for projects and environments
index: >
CREATE TABLE dqgui_index(
project SERIAL,
guid CHAR(36) NOT NULL,
environments JSON NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(project)
# Schema for results
results: >
CREATE TABLE dqgui_results(
hash CHAR(32) NOT NULL,
dqgui_meta JSON NOT NULL,
iqm4hd_report JSON NOT NULL,
iqm4hd_feedback JSON NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(project, hash),
FOREIGN KEY (project) REFERENCES dqgui_index(project)
# Schema for repository
repository: >
CREATE TABLE dqgui_repo(
content TEXT NOT NULL,
extra_data JSON NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(project, type, name),
FOREIGN KEY (project) REFERENCES dqgui_index(project)
- the ::json casts are definitely not portable and have to be removed
Since no other crazy postgres features are used the queries should be portable.
With the actual queries being:
# This is a configuration file for the YamlConfigurableRelationalRepositorySupport class implementing queries that work with the postgres_schema.yml
# YamlConfigurableRelationalRepositorySupport uses prepared statements internally.
# The schema and column names are hard coded into the JdbcRepository implementation and must be adhered.
# These operations do not rely on prepared statements and are thus plainly replaced.
# __TABLE__ : Table to query for
# __TYPE_TUPEL__ : Tupel of types for multiple selection (for IN queries used by search)
# :project : Project identifier associated with query
# :type : Type of component (Magic Integer defined in DSLComponent enum)
# :content : text of components source code
# :name : Name of component
# :new_name : Name in move (to)
# :old_name : Name in move(from)
# :extra_data : Extra data json field
# :hash : Hash identifier of result
# :dqgui_meta : JSON Serialized DQGUI metadata
# :iqm4hd_report : JSON Serialized IQM4HD metadata
# :iqm4hd_feedback : JSON Serialized IQM4HD user report feedback
# :project_name : Name of project
# :guid : guid of project
# :environments : database environments associated with project
# The return aliased as are only required if the common JDBC repository is used.
# You are free to choose your own identifiers with your own implementation.
# As a standard a global check will get the project id 0. So to query for all components it must be searched in the tupel (0, :project).
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This query should deliver no results.
# It is required to fetch the JDBC meta data set to check if the correct table schema is in place.
# Unsafe operation __TABLE__ is required because prepared statements don't allow you to SQL meta program queries.
# Check if a component exists by returning the count of matching rows.
# Must query global and project related entries as duplicate name identifiers should not exist
# Returns:
# - matches: amount of matches (INTEGER) aliased as 'matches'
SELECT COUNT(type) AS matches FROM dqgui_repo WHERE type = :type AND name = :name AND project IN (0, :project);
# Create an empty component within the repository schema.
INSERT INTO dqgui_repo (project, type, name, content, extra_data) VALUES (:project, :type, :name, '', '{}');
# Read a component's source from the repository
# Returns:
# - content: string content of source aliased as 'content'
SELECT content FROM dqgui_repo WHERE type = :type AND name = :name AND project = :project;
# Update a components source code and extra data
UPDATE dqgui_repo SET content = :content, extra_data = :extra_data::json WHERE type = :type AND name = :name AND project = :project;
# Update a components extra data only
UPDATE dqgui_repo SET extra_data = :extra_data::json WHERE type = :type AND name = :name AND project = :project;
# Deletes a component from the repository
DELETE FROM dqgui_repo WHERE type = :type AND name = :name AND project = :project;
# Moves a component from one name to another name
UPDATE dqgui_repo SET name = :new_name WHERE type = :type AND name = :old_name AND project = :project;
# List all components in the repository.
# Only lists type and name not the content.
# Returns:
# - project: project id aliased as 'project'
# - type: type identifier aliased as 'type'
# - name: name aliased as 'name'
# - extra_data: extra_data aliased as 'extra_data'
SELECT project, type, name, extra_data FROM dqgui_repo WHERE project IN (0, :project);
# List all hashes within the result table.
# Returns:
# - hash: hash identifier string aliased as 'hash'
SELECT hash FROM dqgui_results WHERE project = :project;
# Delete a result form the result table by using the hash primary key.
DELETE FROM dqgui_results WHERE hash = :hash AND project = :project;
# Read a result by using the hash primary key.
# Returns:
# - iqm4hd_report: Serialized IQM4HD JSON metadata as string aliased as 'iqm4hd_report'
# - dqgui_meta: Serialized DQGUI JSON metadata as string aliased as 'dqgui_meta'
SELECT iqm4hd_report, dqgui_meta FROM dqgui_results WHERE hash = :hash AND project = :project;
# Create a result by inserting it into the results table.
INSERT INTO dqgui_results (project, hash, dqgui_meta, iqm4hd_report, iqm4hd_feedback) VALUES (:project, :hash, :dqgui_meta::json, :iqm4hd_report::json, :iqm4hd_feedback::json);
# Request all components and their source that match a given type.
# Multiple types could be queried here.
# Unsafe operation __TYPE_TUPEL__ is required to check which types are searched in.
# Returns:
# - type: type identifier aliased as 'type'
# - name: name aliased as 'name'
# - content: source code of identifier aliased as 'content'
SELECT name, type, content FROM dqgui_repo WHERE type IN __TYPE_TUPEL__ AND project IN (0, :project);
# Create a dummy project with the ID 0 to store global checks with.
INSERT INTO dqgui_index(project, name, guid, environments) VALUES (0, 'GLOBAL_DUMMY', '', '{}');
# List all projects excluding the dummy project with the id 0
# Returns:
# - project: identifier of the project
# - name : name of project
# - guid : guid of project
SELECT project, name, guid FROM dqgui_index WHERE project > 0;
# Create a new project.
# It is possible to use :project here if the database does not have an auto increment feature.
# In this postgres sample DEFAULT is used since our schema is backed by a sequence
INSERT INTO dqgui_index(project, name, guid, environments) VALUES (DEFAULT, :project_name, :guid, :environments::json);
# Delete all repo entries for a given project id
DELETE FROM dqgui_repo WHERE project = :project;
# Delete all results for a given project id
DELETE FROM dqgui_results WHERE project = :project;
# Delete the project entry itself
DELETE FROM dqgui_index WHERE project = :project;
#Fetch database environments for project
# Returns:
# - environments : serialized database environment as json
SELECT environments FROM dqgui_index WHERE project = :project;
# Updated database environments for a project
UPDATE dqgui_index SET environments = :environments::json WHERE project = :project;
# Check if a project exists by returning the count of matching rows.
# Returns:
# - matches: amount of matches (INTEGER) aliased as 'matches'
SELECT COUNT(project) AS matches FROM dqgui_index WHERE project = :project;
# Read feedback for hash
# Returns:
# iqm4hd_feedback : serialized feedback as json
SELECT iqm4hd_feedback FROM dqgui_results WHERE hash = :hash AND project = :project;
# Write feedback for hash
UPDATE dqgui_results SET iqm4hd_feedback = :iqm4hd_feedback::json WHERE hash = :hash AND project = :project;
UPDATE dqgui_repo SET project = 0 WHERE project = :project AND type = :type AND name = :name;
UPDATE dqgui_repo SET project = :project WHERE project = 0 AND type = :type AND name = :name;
After implementing all of this we should have a working Postgres engine implementation with repository support.
In case you want to output a repository related query you can set the log level in dqgui-core/src/main/resources/tinylog.properties
to debug.